Well, way back when (2002/3) I just avoided the last few talks I was given. I'd call and say that I couldnt' do it before hand. Saying im sick or something. The school overseer ended up talking to me after a few times probably times and i asked if I could have a break.
Then I just started not attending meetings. I went every now and then. and then just abruptly stopped.
When i was doing the talks i would have panic attacks in the hall. I use to do sign language interpreting at the KH too, but i ended up having panic attacks with everyone looking at me...so i use to sit up the back of the hall...
having said that I now work in health and conduct education sessions to all sorts of healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, allied health, cleaners etc and even up to the department of health. I get good commendations re my presentations everytime. I love public speaking...
I just think the panic attacks had to do with the borg..,.